The Memorial Museum

News and current affairs articles

Institutional Reality and Statutory Purposes of the Foundation

Events, Commemorations, Cultural Meetings and Shows

Iniziative della Fondazione per salvaguardare il libero accesso ai tre Monumenti del 2° Corpo Polacco a Montecassino

Items, Photo-Albums and Souvenirs

Recommended cultural events

Testimonials and celebrations

Polish cemeteries in Italy
Opening hours:
Since 01/11 until 31/03 : Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 am – 04:00 pm
Since 01/04 until 31/10 : every day of the week 10.00 am - 6.00 pm
Useful numbers:
+39 064814263 / +39 3291561690
e-mail: info@fondazionemm2c.org