_________ On Friday, 1 November, at the Polish Military Cemetery in Montecassino, the traditional ceremony of commemoration of the dead was held by the Pastoral Work of Poles in Italy in memory of the fallen in the 2nd Polish Corps of Gen. Władysław Anders. The Ho... |
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News and current affairs articles

Foundation's news, articles and current affairs
[ 18/10/2024 ] ![]() _________ Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski, accompanied by Polish Ambassador in Italy Ryszard Schnepf, paid tribute today to the Polish soldiers buried at the Monte Cassino cemetery. The Minister then visited the 2nd Polish Corps Memorial Museum, where he... |
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_________ Come è ormai tradizione, anche quest'anno si è svolto l’incontro giovanile tedesco-polacco organizzato dalla Commissione Tedesca per le Tombe di Guerra e dal IX Liceo Superiore di Stettino “Eroi di Montecassino” (Polonia), con la finalità di insegnare ai... |
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_________ On18 May 2024, the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda and his wife Mrs Agata Kornhauser-Duda visited the Memorial Museum of the 2nd Polish Corps at Monte Cassino, welcomed by the President of the MM2PC Foundation, Pietro Rogacien. The pre... |
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_________ On the afternoon of Saturday 4 May, during a brief but intense ceremony, seven new showcases of the Memorial Museum of the 2nd Polish Army Corps in Montecassino were inaugurated. They are in addition to the two previously installed ones, and will compl... |
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[ 19/05/2023 ] ![]() _________ The ceremony for the 79th anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino scheduled at the Polish Military Cemetery at 5:00 p.m. on May 18th was held in a reduced form this year due to a violent storm that hit the cemetery area just as the ceremony was due... |
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_________ Durante le celebrazioni di quest'anno della battaglia di Montecassino è stata conferita alla Fondazione la Medaglia Pro Bono Poloniae. Le medaglie Pro Patria sono state assegnate alla signora Stella Tarnogrodzka e Anna Francuz, che spiegano la storia po... |
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_________ Trailer del film "L'Odissea polacca" realizzato dall'Istituto Pilecki di Varsavia e dedicato agli uomini del 2°Corpo polacco. Test https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J5Kv6UExyQ ... |
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_________ Visita a Montecassino dei soldati italiani del 6° Reggimento Pionieri, Battaglione Nemi e Battaglione Trasimeno. ... |
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_________ On May 18, 2019, in the Polish Cemetery of Monte Cassino took place the ceremony for the 75th anniversary of the battle of Montecassino. More than three thousand people were present, among them were many civil and military authorities. The Presidents of... |
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_________ Venerdì 22 febbraio 2019 è stato sottoscritto un accordo di cooperazione tra la Fondazione del Museo Memoriale di Montecassino e il Muzeum Pamięci Sybiru di Białystok, importante città della Polonia nord-orientale, capoluogo della regione di Podlaskie. L... |
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_________ Alla Fondazione del Museo Memoriale di Monte Cassino è stato assegnato il Premio “Świadek Historii” (Testimone della Storia) dall’Istituto per la Memoria Nazionale (IPN) di Varsavia. Il prestigioso riconoscimento è stato consegnato al presidente della Fo... |
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[ 26/10/2018 ] ![]() _________ La Fondazione si sta adoperando affinché sia salvaguardato il libero accesso ai tre Monumenti realizzati dal 2° Corpo d’Armata polacco negli anni 1945/1946 nella zona dell’Albaneta di Montecassino, che recentemente è stata... |
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_________ L’Università ospita la prima di una serie di manifestazioni per celebrare il centenario dell’indipendenza polacca A cent’anni dall’indipendenza della Polonia, l’Aula Magna del Rettorato ha ospitato l’inaugura... |
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_________ On the occasion of the 72nd anniversary of the victory of the battle of Monte Casino, a commemorative ceremony took place on the Polish war cemetery. Ever smaller group of the veterans and participants of the battle attended the ceremony. This year event... |
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_________ On March 7th, Poland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs – Witold Waszczykowski with Poland’s Ambassador to the Italian Republic Mr. Tomasz Orłowski and the delegation visited Polish war cemetery at Monte Cassino and the Memorial Museum of... |
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_________ Il 2 luglio 2015 è stato inaugurato il “Percorso della Battaglia”, un percorso turistico che porta ai siti storici in cui si sono svolti gli episodi più drammatici della battaglia di Monte Cassino, la stragrande maggioranza de... |
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[ 06/03/2016 ] ![]() _________ On March 11th, 2016 agreement on the financial support for the services of professional guides at the Memorial Museum between the Foundation Silva Rerum Polonarum represented by its President Mr. Krzysztof Czajkowski acting on behalf of the Ministry of... |
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_________ Nei primi giorni dello scorso mese di dicembre, la zona dell’Albaneta di Montecassino, ossia l’area che circonda i ruderi dell’antico convento di Santa Maria dell’Albaneta, dove nel 1944 si svolsero i più accaniti combattimenti per la conquista di Montec... |
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_________ Roberto Saviano's monologue from the Polish cemetery of Montecassino ... |
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[ 22/11/2015 ] ![]() _________ On October 26, 2015, a group of participants of the IX Congress of the European Union of the Polish Communities, which was held in Rome on 23-24.10.2015, visited cemetery and the Memorial Museum of the Polish 2nd Corps on Monte Cassino. Among the parti... |
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_________ Club members cavalry them. 18 Cavalry Regiment of Pomerania with the family and representatives of Gdańsk and the Association of Katyn Families Siberians in 2015, during the hot, July expedition studio: “Following the 2nd Polish Corps in Italy&rd... |
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